Welcome to April, in Colorado. Will it snow? Will it be 75 degrees? How about wind? YES to all of the above, daily! So how do we combat the effects of the changing weather on our hair? The answer is to use a deep conditioning masque after about 7 shampoos, using Color Proof Hair Care products, having a protein spray on hand to use about every 10 shampoos, and using Olaplex!!!!!! You know how much you love your hair when you leave the salon. This is the way you keep your hair looking fabulous. Would you like to lighten it up a bit for Spring? Let’s balayage. If you want to add some fun fashion color, lets balayage! If you want to add some depth, let’s balayage! And if you want it all to look like you just stepped out of the salon, use Color Proof at home. When you book your hair service, add a deep conditioning treatment to your service. Your hair will love you for it. Its $20 well spent.